
Stewart’s Holiday Match Program


Stewart’s Holiday Match Program



Stewart’s Holiday Match Program

Lake George Region Women for WIN, Inc. (Women In Need) is delighted to announce it is a recent beneficiary of the Stewart’s Shops Annual Holiday Match Program.  Established in 1986, the Stewart’s Shops’ annual program contributes much needed funding to hundreds of charitable community organizations benefiting children under 18. From Thanksgiving Day to Christmas Day, donations by Stewart’s customers are matched by the corporation.

Lake George Region Women for WIN, a non-profit IRC §501(c)(3) corporation, was formed for the charitable purpose of aiding women, children and families living in Warren, Washington, Saratoga and Essex counties who are in need of immediate, critical relief. WIN provides financial assistance and guidance in ensuring children and their families can obtain basic items of subsistence such as food, clothing, medical needs, home fuel or transportation. 

We receive no funding from any governmental agency but rely solely on fundraising efforts and private donations.

Upcoming events include our popular Annual Golf Tournament at Cronin’s Golf Resort in Warrensburg on Monday, June 20, 2016 and the Lake George Polka Fest featuring the renowned Chardon Polka Band at Scotty’s Lakeside Resort in Lake George on Saturday, June 25, 2016 from 4 pm to 10 pm. Tickets may be purchased in Lake George at the Town Hall, Mario’s Restaurant and the Prospect Mountain Diner. For more information on these events please visit our website,

Information requests and charitable donations may be directed to Nancy Nichols, President or Joan Faron, WIN Chair, at Lake George Region Women for WIN, Inc.  P.O. Box 110, Lake George, NY 12845.

WIN sincerely thanks the Stewart’s Shops for this generous gift which enables us to reach more children in the Lake George region.

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